Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blogging about Twitter...

So this week's assignment is to blog about Twitter, which I suppose gets into the idea of inter-media or co-promotion. So here it goes... (sorry Professor Webb)

I don't get the whole Twitter thing. Trust me, I have tried and aside from whatever stupid celebrity gossip may be on it, I do recognize the value it has for spreading valuable information lightning fast. It is a very important aspect of social media and as we have seen in the uprisings throughout the Middle East, Twitter has aided the organization of people in protests. This I do understand, but yet I have no desire to take part in it. However silly some may find this, I find Twitter slightly invasive on personal space if I were to join. The idea that I could report on anything that happened at anytime from anywhere and get an immediate response from people is astonishing and, for me, an added pressure and complication to life.

You know the peace of when your cell phone dies and there's nothing you can do about it? or (God forbid) someone turns their cell off, voluntarily?!? And that is only to avoid the world that has my cell phone number, what about a Twitter world where virtually anyone could respond. To me it feels like another way to be bombarded with information constantly, and unlike some, I need to set boundaries for when and what I am exposed to or I would truly go insane.

The quickness of it may be a blessing in some ways, but I have grown to curse what it means socially. It now allows people to immediately report and respond to what is happening around them taking no time for reflection to gather their thoughts and really decide how they feel about something before they just send it out into the world again. At least with blogging one must take a moment to compose a full thought or sentence, not simply 160 characters. Andy Carvin who re-tweets information offers a great service in filtering the relative information and hashtags but, like I've said before, although I recognize the value, I still have no desire to take part.

There you have it. sorry again Professor Webb, but my mind is open and I will keep trying to understand.

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