Monday, March 7, 2011

WooHoo Al Jazeera

In a blog by the Guardian UK writer Michael Tomasky, he cites how Hilary Clinton recently gave Al Jazeera praise for offering "real news," and exclaimed how the US is seriously losing the "information wars." She says that even if one does not agree with it, its 24 hour news cycle is not filled with commercials and fluff the way most American networks are. My hope is that this can help boost Al Jazeera's American audience and perhaps help it shed its title as the "Terrorist Network". The blog cites that the audience in America is already growing and hopefully soon providers will start offering Al Jazeera English (and Arabic perhaps) in the US. This is encouraging news and I commend Secretary Clinton for speaking on their behalf despite the opinion being outspoken to those who are less informed (which sadly is quite a lot of people in America when it comes to understanding Al Jazeera).

It seems tapping into AJE's already 50 million Arab viewers and working with them is a huge benefit to the US in terms of being able to respond to rumors. It's amazing people are opposed to this!
Like the saying goes, and I apply it here to news and media, though it may not be a fair or fine game, its good to have a seat at the table. Or something like that, don't quote me directly.

Glenn Beck says "You have the Secretary of State of the United States of America saying you cannot get real news here in America," he said. "You can only get it from Al Jazeera and everybody knows it. This is insanity." Sadly, he has a large influence as well :(

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