Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden... Dead

So by now, I'm sure everyone has heard, but as was just confirmed by our president a couple minutes ago, Osama Bin Laden is dead.

He had been hiding in a mansion in Pakistan and today an operation was undertaken to storm this residence and Osama Bin Laden was killed after enduring a fire fight and his body was seized by U.S. military operatives. His death is confirmed and the country has heaved more than just a sigh of relief and now raises their voice in celebration. It is a day many have been waiting for.

I struggle a bit, perhaps it's the religious side of me, in celebrating. I must first disclaim and say that I am whole-heartedly glad, relieved and feel as though justice has been done with Bin Laden's most deserved death. That being said the concept of celebrating a death, even of the most evil, and horrific man ever is difficult for me. I also completely understand the instinct to celebrate, people need something concrete, some real justice or hope to hold on to in this world that we live in, and that I support. Perhaps the best way to describe it is that I am saddened by his life, and gladdened by his death. He caused so much death and destructive in his life and it is better for all that it is over, but the life he lived was truly sad and pathetic.

Now the concern is that his supporters will strike back, naming him a martyr and retaliating against the U.S. It is a legitimate concern, but what does comfort me is the fact that the Pakistani government offered the U.S. support in this operation. In the next few days, more information will begin to emerge I'm sure, and the best part of Obama's speech was in calling for America to unite again as it did after 9/11. Perhaps that kind of unity can stick beyond events such as great tragedies and great successes in our country. On this night, Conservatives and Liberals and all those in between and beyond have come together in relief and in the celebration of justice.

I am curious to see how the rest of the world, especially the Middle Eastern and Arab world responds and reacts to this. Not the extremists, but the true people.

We will learn a lot in the coming days I'm sure. Keeping my eyes and ears open.

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